Obviously the mood of my posts depends on my mood that day. Yesterday's post was a little depressing...sorry.
Today we did the same sort of thing and it went well...sorta. HAHAHAH The children drew their monsters and then we chatted in small groups about the attributes. Some of the classes were respectful of each other and of the fact that I nor Courtney speak fluent French and other classes were far from respectful of their peers or myself and Courtney. But alas I suppose that would be the case in any situation.
Monsieur Tordu = Mr. Twisty |
Chapeau = Hat |
Chat a 3 pattes = Cat with 3 legs |
Look at these photos...it's the first sign of allowing creativity and art besides pen and paper. I love the creations!
The art makes me think that children are children and when you allow them to be...they are all silly artists ....MR TWISTY
Ce sont de beaux monstres!