
One leg push up, toe touch under body, alternating legs
Side burpee tuck jump, alternating sides
Frog jumps with deeeeeeeeeep squat
Side lunge, touch ground with opposite arm to bent leg, alternating legs

I haven't actually done this workout yet, but I feel like it looks well rounded
Let me know what you think
Versailles in the background, the Horseshoe staircase, where Napoleon addressed the French before being exiled
Lately I've been running more and body rocking less ;)


  1. Tara! Hope your flight was good and having fun! First day of teaching today, good luck! miss you already.

    Um...what do you mean by 3 mountain climbers? then 10 mountain climbers? Don't I just do mountain climbers for 50 sec?


    1. ok so the 123 pushup is the name of the activity. It is comprised of 3 mountain climbers then a single leg push up,
      then the next activity is 10 mountain climbers with 2 lunges,
      then sumo squats with shoulder press
      then knee lifts.
      so you have 4 different intervals. the first three are combo intervals. does that make sense?
