Wednesday, February 29

Versailles yesterday, Rome tomorrow

Two days ago, the gang and I went to Chateau de Versailles and the next day Geoff and I went to the Louvre. Too much French history in too little time. It's bonkers thinking about real people in real castles doing real things, and then me walking through their bedroom 500 years later *WHAT*.
Chateau de Versailles
PS Did anyone else know that the Louvre was a castle that the Revolutionists turned into a museum. No one told me! The Louvre is giant and much too big to see in one day, let alone two. To truly appreciate the Louvre one needs a month pass and lots of hot coffee...but you would never feel confident in your hand steadiness to ever drink coffee in front of thousands of pieces of priceless art.
Today Geoff and I went on a morning run, it was tres romantic. Nemours is truly one of the most beautiful places in the morning. Today we ran down a country side canal with two horses munching on some grass on the left and a tug boat on the right hand side. I could see myself living here...minus the I have managed to mess up every order. I have ordered two espresso's instead of a coffee with milk, I order three sandwiches instead of two, one with eggs on it...and a pastry which I didn't think even existed...someone help


  1. At least you didn't order potato juice.
    -H Bird

  2. Was the pastry good at least?
