Tuesday, February 7

I'm here!

So after a very long flight and not enough sleep for even a robot I made it to Paris. And then by shear luck I found the hotel. I found the street that the hotel was on and just picked a direction to walk in. The numbers on the buildings are really hard to find. Not to mention that there are a million doors on each building and some of them look like closet doors but are legitimate establishments 

The girls and I had 2 days in Paris and then we trained to Nemours. Paris was crazy, we walked and walked and walked until it was dark. We went to all the tourist-y spots like the Eiffel Tower and Champs Elysees. There is so much to see, it truly has to be done at your own pace. I'm excited for the weather to warm up when I can go on runs with my camera and take lots of pictures without my fingers falling off. It's super chilly here right now...brrrr Nemours is perfect. It's exactly what you think a small French town will be, Duke's castle and all. 
We had our first day of school today, Courtney aka Coco and I just observed all day, by the way school goes until 4:30, a super duper long day. I'm exhausted, time for a glass from the box of wine!


  1. Miss you already!!! I've only worked out once since you left. Sad days.
    Cant wait to see more pictures!
    Have fun and be safe
